This website has been established to assist all residents of Dreghorn Park in keeping up to date on what’s happening and other general information that might be considered useful and informative.
Items such as AGM minutes, Neighbourhood Watch items and other relevant articles will be posted as and when appropriate. Up to date items will appear on the News page. Older items can be found in “Archives” on the side bar.
Please remember that this is “YOUR” association and it is for the benefit of all residents of Dreghorn Park. If you have any news, views, questions or problems, please speak up. Contact any of the committee members and we will do our best to assist.
If you would like to join the committee please either use the Contact Form or speak to any member of the existing committee. You can also contact the committee about any relevant matter regarding Dreghorn Park by using the contact form.
We also have a Residents’ Facebook page.
Link to it here.
A.G.M. 2023
The AGM was held on Monday 12.06.23. An extremely disappointing total of 11 residents attended.
Minutes of the meeting are shown below. A number of residents who did NOT attend the meeting have subsequently made comment on a couple of items. Too late was the cry !!

Garden Maintenance 2023.
The cost per household remained at £100 for the year.
It was payable in two instalments (as it was last year).
The Treasurer is pleased to report that all payments for both the 1st and 2nd instalments have now been received. (03.08.23)
For future reference, the preferred method of payment for anything in connection with the Association,
is by Bank Transfer (details below) or you can pay by cash.
If paying by cash, please hand in your payment to the Treasurer at No.9 in an
envelope clearly marked with your house number.
Bank payment details.
Royal Bank of Scotland
Bank/Sort Code: 831901
Account Number: 00618913
Invoice or house number as a reference is imperative, otherwise payments cannot be allocated.
Up to date news is always available on the News Page.
All income and expenditure for 2023 has been accounted for and accounts were drawn up and approved on 19.11.23. The accounts can be viewed here.
Previous year’s accounts.
Accounts for 2022 can be viewed here.
Accounts for 2021 can be viewed here.
Accounts for 2020 can be viewed here.
Accounts for 2019 can be viewed here.
Please note I have made changes on how to contact the Committee, the Treasurer or Site Admin. This is due to unscrupulous companies harvesting displayed email addresses and sending irrelevant offers of “No.1 on Google” and various other unmentionable offers !
If you have any queries, questions or concerns regarding the association, please use the contact form to get in touch. We will respond as quickly as possible but bear in mind that our committee office bearers and members are volunteers and the site is not monitored 24/7.
For information regarding our Accounts, Garden Maintenance Fees, or anything else to do with Dreghorn Park plus anything to do with the website please use the contact form.